Where are you located?

My office is in the Mid-Town area of Sacramento. I also provide online services and do home visits under certain circumstances.

2715 K Street Sacramento, CA 95816

What are your fees?

I offer a wide variety of flexible payment options including discounts for new clients, bundled services, and subscription services.

Do I need to be in an inpatient (live in) program?

No. Unless supervised detox or stabilization are deemed necessary.

Outcome studies have consistently shown that results from inpatient and outpatient treatment are about the same. The least intensive (lowest) level of service should always be tried first.

If work, school, continued family involvements are concerns, then I will encourage an outpatient approach first.

Private counseling is a good way start; options can be explored in a more personalized level without influence from a program’s policies or financial agenda.

Do I need to go to AA or NA meetings?

No. 12-step programs conveniently offer four key components to support a clean and sober lifestyle, but are definitely not for everyone. The four components are easily duplicated outside of this structure.

Is addiction a disease?

According to the American Medical Association, yes. However, several outcome studies suggest that it has more in common with a behavior and isn’t chronic and progressive.

The disease model has helped reduce stigma (somewhat), as well as created a complex billing system that drives an industry.

Addiction is a complex problem that cycles over a lifetime. Since there are implications to look at it either way, I encourage you to make your own decision. I am happy to discuss and provide resources.

Can I ever return to normal drinking/using again?

Possibly. It depends on your definition of normal. If the person has not reached a severe level of use, then there is a good chance they can return to asymptomatic (non or minimal problem) usage.

This is not a popular view on the subject, but it’s based on accepted research and personal observation.

I do not include this as a reason to return to controlled drinking or using – and would recommend against it.

Will you be “brutally honest” with me?

No. That’s for people who want to criticize you without allowing you to respond. I won’t lie to you and might even make you mad at some point, but always respectfully and wanting your thoughts on the matter.

How long does counseling last?

Until it’s not providing additional benefit. Most people see significant results after only a few sessions and reach a plateau around 6-9 sessions.

I usually start seeing people on a weekly or 2x weekly basis, step down to 2-3x per month and decide from there. You can design whatever follow-up schedule you want after your goals are achieved.

Refresher sessions might be helpful during triggering events or stressful times – even as new challenges in sobriety arise.

Are you in recovery?

Yes. I quit using and drinking in 1999.